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王训明, 男,汉族,安徽安庆市人,研究员,博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室副主任。1993年毕业于安徽师范大学地理系;1996年获中国科学院沙漠研究所自然地理专业硕士学位;2001年获中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所自然地理学专业博士学位。2003年被聘为研究员。





兰州大学、北京师范大学兼职教授、中国地理学会沙漠分会理事、《Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions》常务编委、联合国防治荒漠化公约独立专家。


主要从事自然地理学方面的研究,在风沙地貌与沙漠化等研究方面取得较好成绩。具体包括:(1)解释了沙丘表面有不同粒度分布模式的原因,说明了合成输沙方向的季节漂移是复杂沙丘形态形成的关键;(2)揭示了主要地貌单元的粉尘释放机理,阐明了风沙活动变化对风成沉积的物质组成有不可忽略的影响;(3)重建了历史时期中国干旱、半干旱区及蒙古地区的沙漠化过程;(4)通过现代风沙环境演变研究,确定了上世纪60 80 年代中期是风沙活跃期,而目前处于风沙活动的低谷期;(5)通过沙漠化过程模拟,提出了中国干旱、半干旱区本世纪中叶后将有大范围沙漠化的可能。以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/SSCI收录论文近40篇,H指数17


[1] Xunming Wang, Guangtao Wang, Lili Lang, Ting Hua, Hongtao Wang, 2013. Aeolian transport and sandy desertification in semiarid China: A wind tunnel approach. Land Degradation & Development 24, 605-612.

[2] Xunming Wang, 2013. Sandy desertification: Borne on the wind. Chinese Science Bulletin 58, 2395-2403.

[3] Xunming Wang, Lili Lang, Caixia Zhang, Ting Hua, Hongtao Wang, 2012. The influence of near-surface winds on the Sr isotope composition of aeolian sediments: a wind tunnel experiment. Chemical Geology 308-309, 10-17.

[4] Xunming Wang, Lili Lang, Ting Hua, Hongtao Wang, Caixia Zhang, Zhenting Wang, 2012. Characteristics of the Gobi desert and their significance for dust emissions in the Ala Shan Plateau (Central Asia): An experimental study. Journal of Arid Environments 81, 35-46.

[5] Xunming Wang, Dunsheng Xia, Caixia Zhang, Lili Lang, Ting Hua, Shuang Zhao, 2012. Geochemical and magnetic characteristics of fine-grained surface sediments in potential dust source areas: Implications for tracing the provenance of aeolian deposits and associated palaeoclimatic change in East Asia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 323-325, 123-132.

[6] Xunming Wang, Ting Hua, Caixia Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2012. Salts in the clay playas of China’s arid regions: gone with the wind. Environmental Earth Sciences. doi: 10.1007/s 12665-012-1765-1.

[7] Xunming Wang, Ting Hua, Caixia Zhang, Lili Lang, Hongtao Wang, 2012. Aeolian salts in Gobi deserts of the western region of Inner Mongolia: Gone with the dust aerosols. Atmospheric Research 118, 1-9.

[8] Xunming Wang, Caixia Zhang, Hongtao Wang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Junfeng Lu, Li Wang, 2011. The significance of Gobi desert surfaces for dust emissions in China: an experimental study. Environmental Earth Sciences 64, 1039-1050.

[9] Xunming Wang, Caixia Zhang, Jiawu Zhang, Ting Hua, Lili Lang, Xiaoyou Zhang, Li Wang, 2010. Nebkha formation: Implications for reconstructing environmental changes over the past several centuries in the Ala Shan Plateau, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297, 697-706.

[10] Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Jiawu Zhang, Yi Yang, Jijun Li, Eerdun Hasi, Caixia Zhang, Dunsheng Xia, 2010. Climate, desertification, and the rise and collapse of China's historical dynasties. Human Ecology 38, 157-172. (SSCI)

[11] Xunming Wang, Caixia Zhang, Eerdun Hasi, Zhibao Dong, 2010. Has the Three Norths Forest Shelterbelt Program solved the desertification and dust storm problems in arid and semiarid China? Journal of Arid Environments 74, 13-22.

[12] Xunming Wang, Ning Huang, Zhibao Dong, Caixia Zhang, 2010. Mineral and trace element analysis in dustfall collected in the Hexi Corridor and its significance as an indicator of environmental changes. Environmental Earth Sciences 60 (1), 1-10.

[13] Xunming Wang, Yi Yang, Zhibao Dong, Caixia Zhang, 2009. Responses of dune activity and desertification in China to global warming in the twenty-first century. Global and Planetary Change 67, 167-185.

[14] Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Caixia Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2009. Characterization of the composition of dust fallout and identification of dust sources in arid and semiarid North China. Geomorphology 112, 144-157.

[15] Xunming Wang, Jijun Li, Guangrong Dong, Dunsheng Xia, 2008. Responses of desertification to variations in wind activity over the past five decades in arid and semiarid areas in China. Chinese Science Bulletin 53 (3), 426-433.

[16] Xunming Wang, Honglang Xiao, Jinchang Li, Mingrui Qiang, Zhizu Su, 2008. Nebkha development and its relationship to environmental change in the Alaxa Plateau, China. Environmental Geology 56, 359-365.

[17] Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Eerdun Hasi, Jinchang Li, 2008. Desertification in China: An assessment. Earth-Science Reviews 88, 188-206.

[18] Xunming Wang, Dunsheng Xia, Tao Wang, Xian Xue, Jinchang Li, 2008. Dust sources in arid and semiarid China and southern Mongolia: Impacts of geomorphological setting and surface materials. Geomorphology 97, 583-600. 

[19] Xunming Wang, Eerdun Hasi, Zijiang Zhou, Xiaoping Liu, 2007. Significance of variations in the wind energy environment over the past 50 years with respect to dune activity and desertification in arid and semiarid northern China. Geomorphology 86, 252-266.

[20] Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Zhibao Dong, 2006. The relative role of climatic and human factors in desertification in semiarid China. Global Environmental Change 16, 48-57.

[21] Xunming Wang, Zijiang Zhou, Zhibao Dong, 2006. Control of dust emissions by geomorphic conditions, wind environments and land use in northern China: An examination based on dust storm frequency from 1960 to 2003. Geomorphology 81, 292-308.

[22] Xunming Wang, Tao Wang, Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Guangqiang Qian, 2006. Nebkha development and its significance to wind erosion and land degradation in semi-arid northern China. Journal of Arid Environments 65, 129-141.

[23] Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Ping Yan, Zuotao Yang, Zhixin Hu, 2005. Surface sample collection and dust source analysis in northwestern China. Catena 59, 35-53.

[24] Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Zhibao Dong, Dunsheng Xia, 2005. Evolution of the southern Mu Us Desert in North China over the past 50 years: an analysis using proxies of human activity and climate parameters. Land Degradation & Development 16, 351-366.

[25] Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Ping Yan, Jiawu Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, 2005. Wind energy environments and dunefield activity in the Chinese deserts. Geomorphology 65, 33-48.

[26] Xunming Wang, Zijiang Zhou, Zhibao Dong, Fahu Chen, 2005. Do humans create mineral dust in northwest China? Environmental Geology 48, 609-614.

[27] Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Lichao Liu, Jianjun Qu, 2004. Sand sea activity and interactions with climatic parameters in the Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Journal of Arid Environments 57, 85-98.

[28] Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Lichao Liu, 2004. Modern dust storms in China: an overview. Journal of Arid Environments 58, 559-574.

[29] Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Jianjun Qu, 2004. Formation of the complex linear dunes in the central Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 29, 677-686.

[30] Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jianjun Qu, Jiawu Zhang, Aiguo Zhao, 2003. Dynamic processes of a simple linear dune--a study in the Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Geomorphology 52, 233-241.

[31] Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Jianjun Qu, Aiguo Zhao, 2003. Grain size characteristics of dune sands in the central Taklimakan Sand Sea. Sedimentary Geology 161, 1-14.

[32] Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Guangting Chen, 2002. Geomorphology of sand dunes in the Northeast Taklimakan Desert. Geomorphology 42, 183-195.

[33] Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Aiguo Zhao, 2002. Relations between morphology, air flow, sand flux and particle size on transverse dunes, Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27, 515-526.









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